⬩ 2011 - MSc in engineering and economy at the Graz University of Technology
⬩ 2008 - BSc in software engineering and knowledge management at the Graz University of Technology
⬩ PSM I, Professional Scrum Master I
More than 30 projects, most in native iOS or Android.
The project time was from very short up to more than 2.5 years.
On site or remote, most in a team doing scrum or kanban.
⬩ ongoing, my learn platformTutorial to learn progamm for iOS and Android as well as topics for non developer like how to write use-cases, writing meaningful tasks and much more.
⬩ ongoing, my Youtube-ChannelAbout coding and start-ups.
⬩ ongoing, 23NODES, iOS, Swift, SwiftUI, Kotlin, Kotlin Multiplatform, Android, Firebase. MVP to organize daily life.
⬩ < 1.5 Developing Anroid, Kotlin, iOS, Swift, SwiftUI, UIKit for a huge internation company in the sector of dating.
⬩ < 0.5 DateFlyer. Web app with Angluar to arrange a date between 2 people who do not want to share phone number.
⬩ < 0.5 Years. iOS, Swift, SwiftUI, Kotlin Multiplatform, Android, Kotlin, Firebase. MVP fo yoga teacher to organize and offer their classes.
⬩ < 0.5 Years. Android, Kotlin, Public transport company in Hamburg. Jetpack Room, Lifecycle, Flow, Databinding, ..
⬩ > 2.5 Years. Developing, consulting (UX, architecture) and train the team in android development with Kotlin. Huge company in the sector of parcel delivery, app for delivering and scanning parcels.
⬩ < 0.5 Years. Team-Lead to finish an app in Android. Huge fast-food company. Goal was to meet the tight release date
⬩ < 1 Year. Android, Kotlin, iOS, Swift, Developing an MVP in a team, for organizing families, customer was a huge insurance company. Buddybuild (CI), Kodein, Android-Volley, Alamofire, Pods, Gradle, ..
⬩ < 0.5 Years. Android, planing, designing and developing an app to follow stocks. PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, Java, Retrolambda, RxJava.
⬩ < 0.5 Years. Android, Developing MVP in finance and banking. Complex UI-Designs, processing of big amount of sensitiv data.
⬩ > 1.5 Years. Conceptioning, consulting and developing a base component/ frame to integrate custom screens of sub-companies for a huge comparison portal located in Munich. Code-Review, designing the architecture, Task-Management & coordination of todos in the team, developing complex UI, dependency handling, dependency injection, UI-Tests, Unit-Tests, testautomation, documentation, UML, push-notification, tracking, attribution campaigns, user-management, RXJava, Retrolamda, ..
⬩ < 0.5 Years. Quality evaluation for Android, iOS app. Sub-company of Bertelsmann. Analysing use-cases. Documentation of the recent status quo. Consuting and supporting the developer teams to ensure a higher qualilty level.
⬩ < 0.5 Years. Android, Java, Development and consulting huge company in sector comparison portal located in Munich.
⬩ < 1 Year. iOS, Objective-C, dating app, In-app purchase, chat, push notification, restful server communication, animations, local data caching, work in team, check app store for "Lovrs"
⬩ iOS, Android, Consulting of start-ups for technical solution, UX-Design, analysing ideas, create use-cases.
⬩ PHP, analysing, planning milestons and converting a database based project structure into a PHP Restful Service.
⬩ iOS, Objective-C, supporting a small company to show web content in their app, dictionary.
⬩ iOS, Objective-C, MVP, loading and showing PDF/ ePaper files as a newspaper/ magazin
⬩ MVP for Android, topic was custom GUI-Elements
⬩ Android, iOS, Java, Objective-C, MVP for planning private events
⬩ Working as a project manager in an agency. WebApps, Windows Phone 8, Java, SQL, html, css, Office
⬩ Objective-C, iOS, extending functionality of a game
⬩ MVP, NFC, for a mobile payment project
⬩ Java, C++, Android, NDK, supporting in a indoor localization project in a viennese company
⬩ Objective-C, C, iOS, Cocos2D, iPAD. Painting apps for iPad
⬩ Objective-C, iOS, Development in the team of the austrian press agency APA, newspaper apps, APA-IT Informations Technologie GmbH
⬩ Evaluate code for iOS, Android on a car manufactoring company's app
⬩ Windows mobile app, to collect damages on brigdes
⬩ Java/ Android, iTranslate 1.0 for Android
⬩ Java/ Android, Catrobat as a University Project in a team
⬩ Java/ Android, Grocerie shopping list
⬩ Java/ Android, Expanses overview
Impressum: dipl.-ing. nikolaus koller - hello[AT]nikolauskoller.com - +43 670 50 777 84 - Pichlergasse 15, 5020 Salzburg - USt-IdNr: ATU67014928.